Summarizing all above, there are several advantages to using Winget, the Windows Package Manager: In such cases, attempting to install the package globally will result in an error. It is important to note that some packages may not support machine-wide installs. You also can use winget install –machine to perform the same action: winget install -machine Note that you need to run the command prompt as administrator in order to perform machine-wide installs with Winget. When using the -g option, Winget will install the package for all users on the system, including users that are not currently logged in. To perform a machine-wide install with Winget, you can use the –global or -g option when running the install command. Winget supports so-called machine-wide installs, which allows you to install a package for all users on a system rather than just for the current user. You also can use Winget upgrade command to perform the same action: winget upgrade Machine-wide installations with Winget: If the package you want to update is not installed, it will be installed instead. Where is the name of the application that you want to update. To update a third-party application using Winget, you can use the following command: Winget update Winget is a new package manager, so some features and support for packages are still in development, but it is being actively updated and improved. Winget also support command like update, upgrade, remove, hash, configure etc. To get started with Winget, you can use the following commands: winget search # to search for available package winget install # to install a package w1inget show # to show package details winget list # to list all installed packages To use Winget, you need to open PowerShell or Command Prompt as administrator. Winget is included in Windows 10, version 2004 and later. You can also use Winget to install and manage multiple versions of an application, and easily roll back to a previous version if needed. With Winget, you can install and manage applications from a variety of sources, including the Microsoft Store, GitHub, and other third-party repositories. Winget is similar to package managers like apt, yum, and pacman that are commonly used on Linux systems. It allows you to easily search, install, and manage applications and their updates on your Windows system.

Winget is a command-line package manager for Windows 10 and later.